Programming for kids, and older kids

One fault that could be levied at the computer industry is that they've lost a lot of the out-of-the-box creativity experience from the early days, back in the 80's when every computer you bought came out of the box with a programming language that anyone (with a manual or two) could start writing their own Hello World apps. Back then most people didn't learn to program at college, they learned from their $200 home computers.


Nested controllers with Goldberg (UPDATE: fixed in v0.2.1)

The Rails plugin Goldberg is really quite good for kick-starting a site with its permissions system and basic CMS. There is one small bug in it though, it doesn't like adding nested controllers in the admin console. There is, however, a simple work-around: simply go to e.g.:


Free backup app - Genie Games Backup

Despite its name, Genie Games Backup is a general purpose backup utility for Windows that lets you make backups of any files you want, and run the backup either manually or on an automatic schedule. While their fully-fledged commercial products work wonders, I'm personally amazed they're giving away something so fully fledged for free. Well worth trying out if you don't already have a backup utility.



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