'Twas a good day


That was a rather good day.

It's the first day of our vacation. Next week We go to DC for some sightseeing and for me to attend the Drupal GovCon event for a few days. I'll be giving a presentation on one of my favorite topics (open source software) and running a code sprint for the Metatag module (plugin) for Drupal that I maintain.

This morning Jen surprised us with blueberry scones. We had quite the chuckle as she made them as I first thought she was making traditional American biscuits to go with breakfast; she joked about adding cheese and I suggested garlic too. So then when she poured in a cup of blueberries it took me a moment to get the vision of garlic, cheese and blueberry biscuits out of my head X-) They were quite tasty in the end, and yes they were blueberry scones and not the unholy concoction my imagine invented.

I then met someone locally who was just starting to learn Drupal, and told him about the Keene Drupal user group meetings that I help run with a friend.

I finished reading an excellent interview with an historian who has been researching the revisionist theory that the Irish indentured servitude of the past was in any way similar to the slavery of black people in the USA. Needless to say, while indentured servitude did happen, it was far removed from the treatment of black people throughout this country's history. The interview is well worth reading, especially if you've ever heard that "Irish slavery" fable/lie/meme that has been doing the rounds for a few years.

At dinnertime we were playing hangman, taking turns around the table to both run and play the game. When it was Liam (who's nine) to take his turn to run the game, he picked a word, drew out the structure and placeholders for the characters, which had seven letters. Before we began Jen asked him if he was sure he was spelling the word correctly, to which he replied in the affirmative. Jen went first and picked 'a', which he said the word didn't have. She then asked him again to make sure he had the word correct, and again he said he did. Just as it was about to be my turn, Liam paused for a second and asked to everyone - "how do you spell 'skeleton'?" Several minutes of laughing later .. he had to pick a different word and start again ;-)

We then rounded off the evening with some tickle-tag chasing each other around the house.

That was a very good day :-)

While I'm not strictly going to start keeping my "three positive things" journal going again, with some prodding from Jen I've decided to start blogging about the good things in life again.

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