
The most wonderful time of the year

It's the most wonderful time of the year when kids world-over discover the wonders and joy .. of taxonomic classification and data science.. as they sort through their Treat 'r Trick hauls and work out the best way of categorizing their loot. Some, unhappy that they cannot identify a single category for Snickers bars as it contains chocolate, caramel and peanuts, may ultimately dismiss it as a fools errand and dump their entire horde into a single bowl, eschewing traditions of yore.


A Tale of Two Kerrygolds

I made two cups of tea, for awesomewife and myself went to get milk but we were out. We were also out of cream. So I brought the cups of black tea in to share with her. She said “add Kerrygold”. I stopped for a second and repeated - “Kerrygold?” “Yeah.” I walked to the kitchen, put down her cup, “are you sure?” “Yes.” Huh. Maybe it’s some obscure idea because Kerrygold is made from milk and it’d be like adding really, really thick cream. So I drop two blobs of Kerrygold butter into her tea and bring it back to her.



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