Ruby on Rails

Rails tip: restful_authentication without a username

I've personal never understood the point of having a username for web sites when 99% of them also require an email address that is unique to you - just use the email address! In the world of Rails development many developers use the excellent restful_authentication to provide the user login structure, but again out of the box it uses a username. Silly thing. So instead, here's how to make restful_authentication sit rather happy with just an email address.


rubygems 1.2.0 causing problems for anyone else? (SOLVED!)

After updating to rubygems 1.2.0 I've noticed that my mongrels started returning the following colorful error on every XHR load, i.e. all AJAX requests fail but regular page loads are fine:

Mon Jun 23 23:39:15 -0400 2008: HTTP parse error, malformed request ( #<Mongrel::HttpParserError: Invalid HTTP format, parsing fails.>

Given that rubygems was the last thing I updated, I figured I'd try reverting to the previous 1.1.1 release using the following steps:


mod_rails 2 RC is out, get it!

Anyone who does Ruby on Rails development should familiarize themselves with mod_rails aka Phusion Passenger as the brand new v2 RC is just amazing. Just take a look at those improvements: from buffered uploads so apps don't get stuck, to a tremendous reduction in the memory usage, Rack and WSGI support (yeah, it can run Python apps!), improved startup time...



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