Apple's latest Mac OSX release, 10.5, dubbed "Leopard", does a great job to remedy the problem Rails developers had with previous releases - Ruby is now installed and works correctly, with Rails and a whole bunch of other common gems installed too. Awesome stuff.
Quick tip - if you're just using ImageMagick to get dimensions of images, try using image_size instead, it's written in Ruby, works well, and installs really quickly, rather than the five years it seems rmagick to compile & install.
Just a quick reminder for myself: if you're doing a form that is uploading files, remember to add :multipart => true to the form tag, e.g.:
< % form_for(:product, :url => products_path(@product), :html => {:multipart => true, :method => :put }) do |f| %>
I came across this today when trying to find an easier way to present a six-part form in a Rails project - a tabbed interface system built upon Prototype (an integral part of Rails). Called Control.Tabs it makes tabbed interfaces a synch to do: simply add an unordered list containing links to the blocks containing your to-be-tabbed content, and add a line of JavaScript to start the ball rolling - that's it!
Note: I'm not going to finish this article as ultimately I ran into problems with Cygwin so migrated to running all Windows-native tasks. Still, in its raw state someone might find some use out of it.