Anyone who does Ruby on Rails development should familiarize themselves with mod_rails aka Phusion Passenger as the brand new v2 RC is just amazing. Just take a look at those improvements: from buffered uploads so apps don't get stuck, to a tremendous reduction in the memory usage, Rack and WSGI support (yeah, it can run Python apps!), improved startup time...
After working with git some more, specifically the git/svn integration, I can't imagine wanting to use anything else. Awesome stuff. Of course the only problem is the flaky support for Windows :-\
The new Mac OSX client for Subversion, Versions, is finally available for download, albeit a beta version that expires on July 1st. So why another client? Well, because personally I believe most of the current ones available for OSX suck - they're kludgy, ugly, and just aren't well thought out. Get thee hence and download.
The just-released OSX 10.5.3 finally fixes a weird network problem that many Mac users have been experiencing since starting to use Leopard - some network-based tasks were taking insane amounts of time, e.g. connecting via SSH to remote machines, etc. One of the more unusual effects of this caused the multi-service instant messaging program Adium to not reliably connect to the MSN Messenger service. So good news for Mac users everywhere.
It seems that the common household banana is potentially heading for disaster. Apparently a fungus has been working its way through the crops of Malaysia and is threatening crops world-wide.