Back to normality

After several weeks of trying to do everything yet accomplishing nothing (or so it seemed), this week we've turned ourselves around and started living better, starting with a stronger separation of church and state, er, I mean work and home. We started off with a trip to the chiropractor, picked up breakfast, then spent some time painting the bedroom together. Now I'm going to work for a few hours and later will take a break away from it, then work some more - rinse, repeat.


I hate spam

Just a little note to say that I hate email spam. I really do. I get about 190 of them per day, which all have to be verified as spam as my filters occasionally block something that isn't spam, maybe two or three per week. So as a result of the economics of spam (the numbers haven't changed much in six years), I have to check about 1300 message per week to ensure that I don't miss anything important.


Lunch_fu.orlando was great

Today's lunch_fu was great, chatted with other geeks married to foreigners about being geeks married to foreigners (uh, I'm the foreigner..), Macs, and a variety of silly things. I also got to chat briefly with Ryan Price, who I've not seen in months. I'll be picky about when I get to go again, though, as unfortunately by 4pm I'd only gotten in 4 hours of billable work.


HD-DVD is dead, long live HD-DVD

With the recent mass defection from the HD-DVD camp to Sony's BluRay it has been only a matter of time before the other shoe dropped - hardware support. After the defections Toshiba started flogging their players for half what they were before Xmas, even with a bunch of movies thrown in for free, which was a very obvious sign of desperation. Sure enough, today Toshiba announced a halt of development of new HD-DVD hardware, and the other manufacturers can't be far behind. So, so long HD-DVD, it's been good.



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