Yes, the holocaust *is* still taught in German schools

Not sure why I remembered this tonight, but some people in the USA believe that the holocaust is not taught in German schools out of misplaced political correctness. I don't remember who it was I was talking with, but it was being argued that children were no longer taught about it as it was too sensitive, too embarrassing of an issue, that it was being swept under the rug and was becoming a taboo topic not to be discussed.


-13'F at 1:30am - ccccccold!

This is one of the coldest nights we've has since we moved back to Keene, NH in 2011, with Accuweather saying the current temperature is -13'F. Thankfully, between the wood stove and the insulation we installed this Fall, the living room is at 71'F as I'm hitting the hay. I'll have to check it in a few hours, but it should hold the heat for a few hours.


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