Slow network? Reboot your modem!

An odd one today. Over the past few days (week?) I've noticed that our cable Internet connection was a bit slower than usual, basically lots of latency and downloads running at 1/10th their usual speed which makes running a VPN connection a real pain. Calling tech support didn't get anywhere as they insist that you disconnect any router that you might have wired up and directly connect one computer to the line. I figured for SCOs and Googles (s'n'gs) that I'd try doing what they asked anyway.


Ruby on Rails, Rails tutorials in British emag

A British PDF magazine called ObjectiveView recently featured two pretty good articles in its ninth issue (2.2mb PDF), one on Ruby on Rails and another on Ruby itself. While neither article is aimed at beginners, anyone who's worked with other languages should be able to get a leg up with them.



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