
RubyOSA - don't forget the docs!

A really quick time for anyone on OSX.

RubyOSA is a great interface to the AppleScript APIs available to most applications. The only problem with it is that the APIs of many apps are undocumented, disappointingly especially for Apple's apps, so there's a handy little command that can generate these docs for you:

rdoc-osa --name (appname)


rdoc-osa --name iPhoto


ODBC with Ruby-on-Rails

Everyone wants to say that their Ruby-on-Rails projects are using the best data structures on the latest RDBSs, sheer brilliance through and through. The simple fact of life, however, is that not every project is from-scratch, not every project can have a new whistle-clean schema designed for it, and not every datasource is a brand-spanking new install of PostgreSQL. For the times when you're not working with the newest, you may feel a need for a new connector to your older database:



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