
Three positive things, day twenty two

Today was a relatively average Wednesday.

The first positive thing was someone I work with on that project I mentioned yesterday sending me a surprise gift as a thank you for yesterday's late night efforts. There was a bit more tidying and optimizing to do this morning, but it appears to have worked well for an important demo they were doing today. Thanks Jason!


Three positive things, day sixteen

Today was a bit humdrum and certainly didn't live up to yesterday's excitement.

One positive thing was pulling my hair out wondering why something wasn't working correctly on a project that I was working, only to talk to a coworker and realized that no, the changes I thought were missing just hadn't been added in yet. In lay person's terms, think of it like I had looked at a bunch of decorated cakes but forgot that the cake *I* was doing hadn't been decorated yet. Duh. So yay, I wasn't going crazy ;-)



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