Full-screen browser for OSX - PlainView

Building my presentation for the FL Drupal Camp I was stuck - neither Firefox nor Safari would let me do a full-screen browser display so the audience was going to be stuck seeing my title bar, browser window border, tool bar, etc - not terribly good for a presentation. A bit of searching later I discovered the perfect solution - PlainView.


All in one wifi router vs separate parts?

If you had:

  • 100mbit Ethernet
  • 11g wireless
  • router/firewall
  • all in one device

and wanted to upgrade to:

  • 1gbit Ethernet
  • 11n wireless
  • router/firewall

would you go with one device or separate them into multiple components? And, what requirements would you have for the component(s)? Lastly, any model recommendations?

Thanks interweb, you're the best! :-)


Don't take your iPhone abroad

A simple statement for you: unless you have AT&T stock, don't take your iPhone with you when you go abroad. If, for some crazy reason you decide you moost haf eet, at least do yourself a favor and:

  • disable data roaming
  • disable 3G

You may also want to enable Airplane mode, just to be sure.

I say the above after having returned from two weeks in Ireland. Before we left we signed up for the 20mb international data plan and international roaming. What we didn't do was:



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