Tips 'n Tricks

Details for iPhone web app development (UPDATED)

Some details have been made available by The University of Washington on how to develop web applications for iPhone - lots of basics in there, like keeping a good separation of HTML and CSS, but also some specifics on e.g. the screen width, some limitations in place, etc. Mandatory reading for anyone doing iPhone apps.

UPDATE: Apparently someone didn't like the info being posted publically, so someone posted a copy of the iPhone details elsewhere.


button_to HTML options not completely intuitive

While working on a site in Rails tonight I was adding a button_to that I wanted a JS confirmation requester. Well, based on my albeit beginner knowledge of Rails I thought the following would work:
< %= button_to "Empty Cart", :action => :empty, :confirm => "Really empty your cart?" %>


Nested controllers with Goldberg (UPDATE: fixed in v0.2.1)

The Rails plugin Goldberg is really quite good for kick-starting a site with its permissions system and basic CMS. There is one small bug in it though, it doesn't like adding nested controllers in the admin console. There is, however, a simple work-around: simply go to e.g.:


Web page attachments - download vs inline with ColdFusion

Here's a quick tip that'll help make life easier for anyone who's trying to use ColdFusion's CFCONTENT tag to send content to the browser. When you're sending a file to the web browser using CFCONTENT you can do it either as an inline file, i.e. the browser will probably try to display it, or you can send it as a file to be downloaded. The only problem is that to do the latter you can't do it with just the CFCONTENT tag, you first need to tell the browser that you're sending a file and then send it, for example:



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