Lullaby Renditions of Coldplay


Originally posted on Rockabye Baby!'s website as a review.

While the Rockabye collection is very good, not many artists produce music that is as well suited to lullaby renditions as Coldplay, particularly the "Parachutes" and "A Rush of Blood to the Head" albums which this is based around. As a Coldplay fan I can sit and listen to this album alongside any of the band's regular albums, it fits marvelously.

My Rating: 

Average: 5 (1 vote)



Customize the Subscriptions terms list

A client recently requested instructions on how to customize the Subscriptions module's user subscriptions page to show more details instead of just the term title, e.g. show a description, image, etc. Thankfully this turns out to be pretty easy and just involves using hook_form_alter to customize the labels.

To use the following code just add it to a custom module and replace the "mymodule" bit with your module's name.



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