
Fixing Apache on CentOS/RHEL 5 for Drupal

While not strictly a requirement, in the interests of not having crazy URLs on your Drupal site it's recommended to set up your web server to support .htaccess files. This will let you have URLs like "/products/cool/stuff" instead of "?q=products/cool/stuff" - obviously much nicer, and better for both usability and search engine optimization.


Removing the acquia_subscription_status menu

For a Drupal site I was developing I originally tried out the Acquia distribution but ultimately dropped it in favor of the vanilla core release. In doing so I also removed the custom Acquia modules that provided integration with their network as I wasn't going to be using it either. All was good, except that the admin menus retained an unneeded menu item named "acquia_subscription_status" that just linked to acquia.com - I had to vanquish it!


Drupal theming gotcha #1 - overriding template files

As I've been delving into Drupal theming I've discovered lots of gotchas.

The first one for today - when creating a sub-theme, if you want to override a template for a specific purpose you need to copy the parent theme's original file into your subtheme. A common example is wanting to have a custom page template for the hompage, which entails copying page.tpl.php to page-front.tpl.php. Because of a bug, aka poorly thought out "feature", your sub-theme must have a copy of both page-front.tpl.php and page.tpl.php.


Disabling the Views_Bulk_Operations default view

The Views_Bulk_Operations module for Drupal is really pretty awesome, out of the box it solves one of the top 5 problems newcomers have with Drupal - the standard content admin page, /admin/content/node, does not include a field to search for content by the title, instead you have to do a search in the main search engine and then click the edit link, presuming you haven't hidden it or something.



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