Web Development

Most important thing for ColdFusion development

After working with Adobe's ColdFusion for several years I've come to the conclusion that the single most important thing that a developer can do is use the CFQUERYPARAM tag. This single tag can help prevent many security problems as it will automatically work out how to pass the variable into the database based on the type of data you say it is, e.g. strings will get the proper quotation marks around it, dates will have pound signs added if needed, etc, etc.


Awesome form validation script

I use the Javascript libraries Prototype and Script.aculo.us a good deal in my projects, but there was one feature they didn't have between them - form validation. A quick google uncovered a super-simple solution to this problem written by an Australian - all you need to start is one Javascript file and one line of Javascript, then add one single DOM-compatible attribute to your input lines and it'll work right out of the box. The even better part is that extending and enhancing it is very easy, just add a CSS line or two to customize your error messages, etc, easy as pie.


Catfish fun with script.aculo.us

Script.aculo.us is a wonderful library of Javascript functions for doing lots of buzzword-friendly snazzy effects. A recent schmancy JS trick is the catfish - a small, unintrusive advertisement that pops up at the bottom of the web page and can be closed without affecting the web page. Looking around I didn't see any existing code to do catfish effects with Script.aculo.us so I decided I'd have to fill the gap.



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