Reminder - rails forms with file uploads

Just a quick reminder for myself: if you're doing a form that is uploading files, remember to add :multipart => true to the form tag, e.g.:
< % form_for(:product, :url => products_path(@product), :html => {:multipart => true, :method => :put }) do |f| %>

< %= f.file_field :photo %>

< % end %>


Insanely easy tabbed web pages with Prototype

I came across this today when trying to find an easier way to present a six-part form in a Rails project - a tabbed interface system built upon Prototype (an integral part of Rails). Called Control.Tabs it makes tabbed interfaces a synch to do: simply add an unordered list containing links to the blocks containing your to-be-tabbed content, and add a line of JavaScript to start the ball rolling - that's it!


Two most important things for PHP development

After having developed in PHP for many years I've realized that the two most important things a developer can do are:

Those two simple changes will greatly help reduce problems in your code. Now to just get all OSS developers to do the same...


(not going to finish) Production web serving with Cygwin - PHP, Ruby on Rails & ColdFusion

Note: I'm not going to finish this article as ultimately I ran into problems with Cygwin so migrated to running all Windows-native tasks. Still, in its raw state someone might find some use out of it.



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