Tip for making all gluten-free baking recipes work better

Over the past few months my wife has been testing out some gluten-free recipes for baked goods - brownies, various breads, etc. Some of them have been boxed kits, others have been from scratch. Along the way one recipe recommended to let the prepared mix stand in their final baking dish for about 30 minutes prior to cooking, to give the ingredients time to rise. She did this for the one recipe that suggested it and it turned out to making a notable difference in how light and puffy the final result was.


Sublime snowflakes

Today we had a somewhat light snowfall, ahead of Sunday’s blizzard. I got a few photos of them as they were truly breathtaking, picture perfect like I’m not sure I’d ever seen before.

The pics won’t do them justice, but hopefully they’ll give you some idea of how beautiful they were.

Ringing in the new year with a sick child on my lap

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m ringing in the New Year sitting up on my bed with an ill child asleep on my lap, and I couldn’t be happier. Well, maybe I could, but you know what I mean.

And “happy” is the wrong word. I have a very strong paternal urge to care for sick children, especially our own, so when one of our children is ill there’s nowhere I’d rather be than there taking care of them.


Diablo 2 works on newer macOS releases?!?

While looking at how to get the Diablo 3 expansion pack for our eldest I discovered that Blizzard had updated Diablo 2 to run on newer releases of macOS! Nice! As always they have this tiny downloader program you get from their site, then the full installer is a 1.5gb download from within that app. I'll let you know how it goes.



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