
ODBC with Ruby-on-Rails

Everyone wants to say that their Ruby-on-Rails projects are using the best data structures on the latest RDBSs, sheer brilliance through and through. The simple fact of life, however, is that not every project is from-scratch, not every project can have a new whistle-clean schema designed for it, and not every datasource is a brand-spanking new install of PostgreSQL. For the times when you're not working with the newest, you may feel a need for a new connector to your older database:


Free Kaspersky anti-virus thanks to AOL!

AOL seem to have signed a deal with Kaspersky, who make probably the best virus scanning software for Windows, to offer their basic anti-virus software for free. The best part of this is that you don't have to be an AOL customer to avail of the offer, so get thee hence:



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